Assess your knowledge on CompTIA technologies.

1. Which of the following new technologies poses the most risk due to regulatory compliance?

A. Cloud computing
B. Smart phones
C. Tablets
D. Virtualization

2. Which of the following is SAN management software and is designed for cross-platform workgroup collaboration?

A. MetaSAN
B. SANmelody
C. SANmaestro
D. VisualSAN

3. Which of the following is a structured review process to analyze what happened, why it happened and how it can be done better, by the participants and those responsible for the project or event?

A. After action analysis
B. After action summary
C. After action review
D. After action report

4. Which of the following is an XML-based framework developed by OASIS and used to exchange user, resource and service provisioning information between cooperating organizations?


5. Which of the following refers to any system whereby things that are of value to an entity or group are monitored and maintained?

A. Investment management
B. Product management
C. Asset management
D. Service management

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